Setting Text Attributes The following routines are used to set the default text and graphic attributes of a document. These attributes determine the color, font, etc. of subsequently added document elements: setTextFont Sets the default text font for non-styled text data setTextSize Sets the default text size for non-styled text data setTextStyle Sets the default text style for non-styled text data setTextFont Syntax: setTextFont document, fontName Returns: TRUE if the requested font was available FALSE if the requested font could not be found This command sets the text font that will be applied to non-styled text data (such as strings) that are subsequently appended to the document object. If the requested font is not available, the default font (Geneva on the Macintosh, Arial on Windows) is used. Note that the current font set using setTextFont will be overridden by the fonts, sizes and styles within styled text field cast members that you subsequently append to your document. The default font used for non-styled text data after appending a styled text field will be the last font contained within the text field. setTextSize Syntax: setTextSize document, fontSize This command sets the text size that will be applied to non-styled text data (such as strings) that are subsequently appended to the document object. setTextStyle Syntax: setTextStyle document, styleString This command sets the text style that will be applied to non-styled text data (such as strings) that are subsequently appended to the document object. The values for textStyle correspond exactly to the Director "textStyle" property. Possible values for text styles are: normal plain bold italic underline On the Macintosh, the following additional styles are available: outline condense extend shadow All values except normal or plain are added together in a call to setTextStyle, so you can combine a number of styles together in a single call. Example: The following example creates a PrintOMatic document, sets the default font to bold italicized 10 point Helvetica, and prints a short text string: set doc = new(xtra "PrintOMatic") if not objectP(doc) then exit setTextStyle doc, "bold, italic" setTextFont doc, "Helvetica" setTextSize doc, 10 append doc, "Some sample text to print out." if doJobSetup(doc) then print doc set doc = 0